Sunday, 29 November 2020

Virtual Team Time Trials

 The reason behind virtual Team Time Trials

With 2020 being a year of struggle for all...the Covid Pandemic has all but cancelled-out the cycling season, with no trips away, no racing except for a few Roadmans t.t.'s in August and September!

Indoor training has increased two-fold with turbo trainers selling out in almost every cycling retail and on
line shops.

Luckily i managed to acquire a set of Elite Nero Interactive Rollers and Direto Turbo to enable myself to continue my training in a varied and motivational way.

Recently i teamed up with 5 riders...2 from Denmark, Mads Schnoor Nelson & Nikolaj Larson and 2 from the UK, John Summut, KaderAlouni, to ride a virtual Team Time Trial series on the RGT platform. Made up of teams from around the World competing over a varied distance and terrain, the racing has been fast and hard!

Why do this>>>

With the outdoor season being shortened by over 6 months, this allowed me to work outside the norm for this time of enables the body to work in zones which is very difficult outdoors with the adverse weather. It's very important as one ages to work in the upper zones of the system, to encourage respiratory exchange, maintaining lung strength and above all 'spike' the muscular system aside the usual riding in the Aerobic/ Endurance zone!

The result is that you are able to cross-train, 'shock' the system into variable training adaptions, thus not losing all the gains from prior Covid racing/training, which only gets harder to retrieve the older one gets! 

*** So in nutshell... Mixing Aerobic Zone 2 base riding with at least 1 day of Tempo Zone3/4 and 1 day of Anerobic Zone 4-7 will encourage muscular adaptions and increase in FTP and VO2 ***

Note...Free movement, core, resistance and functional strength off the bike plays an integral part of my training!

Saturday, 6 June 2020

Everesting Challenge

It's been over 10 yrs since i rode 3500km from Sicily (Italy) to Lands End (Uk) to raise money for Cancer epic challenge in my 50th year! The plan was to do another challenge in my 60th year but a severe injury a year prior made it difficult, so i decided to race myself back to top condition resulting in a great season.
With the Pandemic changing the World as we know it, forcing most sporting events to be postponed, i have decided to put my training to good use by attempting my 3rd charity ride... the Everest Challenge (8858m) in my home county of #Cornwall and maybe going for the Masters record...exact location is St Ives on the North Coast....a climb of 3.2kms with elevation of 193m.
The attempt will be this summer and date to be fixed once more restrictions on travel have been lifted?
***I'm doing this challenge to raise money for the #Bloodbikes an emergency service that coordinates fast links betwwen hospitals delivering essential support.***
I will be setting up a donation page and to add a little spice i will be offering a prize for the person guesing to the nearest second the time it will take me to complete the ride!
I would like thank
Tony Rowell
and Jake Rowell for taking time to find a suitable climb.
Sponsor and more relevant info to follow...
Thankyou and stay safe